Rsgoldfast – Gathering Averages on Skills and Resources


Some Questions. I hope this helps you to consider ways to meet people and how you can make yourself appear to them. Make sure to address these questions on your way out! Can you evaluate the person you meet at the time you first meet them. If yes, why not? If you don't then why don't you? Are you willing to change your behavior, appearance and speak when you meet new people? What do you prefer to be seen as to others? Do you strive to make a lot of friends, or are you quite selective about who goes on your Friends List? How do you decide if you want to be acquaintances with someone you don't like? Thank you for your time reading. Today I decided that I would like to embark on a massive project that would require a lot of data to average Resource Gathering Skills. I believe I put up a topic immediately on the RSOF and asked for a portion of the data. After that, I realized that I didn't even know who could assist me. This is precisely what I want to cut millions and fish millions of salmon in just a couple of months. I'm going to I am going to ask Sals whether he is willing document resources, the time it took to acquire them, and your levels of success in acquiring these resources. You don't need to go far to get certain things. We can just get enough people to assist us in gathering enough data to make charts. Anyone willing? If you have any further questions, contact me and I'll try to clarify. If I receive a fair response, I'll transform this thread into a Chart to begin collecting data to fill in the gap. Want to learn more about RuneScape gold at


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