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The suit also details the trauma caused as a result of the incident. Following the third suit the Mut 23 Coins began to begin to take action, appointing the senior vice president Lisa Friel as lead investigator into the incident. Friel most recently took the same role for the league in the year 2019 investigating allegations made against the receiver Antonio Brown. However, details of the team's "probe" into Watson were not clear, and did not explain how it would be conducted and if Watson was to be removed from team activities pending result of the investigation. This probe is still underway. On March 19 Buzbee claimed that more women came to his office in following the three previous allegations. Nine lawsuits were also filed making the total 12 — and the attorney claimed that 22 women have contacted his office claiming they had also been harassed or even assaulted by Texans quarterback. The nature of the lawsuits included a woman who stated that Watson tried to get she to put her on his lap and another who alleges the quarterback attempted to sexually assault her on two different occasions following their meeting in a building for office work. In the wake of these lawsuits Buy Mut 23 Coins police department, as well as the Harris County District Attorney's Office to look into these complaints brought against Watson and possibly seek criminal charges in addition to the civil lawsuits in the case. There are many cheap Mut 23 Coins for sale on MMoexp from trusted and verified sellers, MMoexp has won the recognition of users for its high-quality service and security over the years, so you can buy Mut 23 Coins with confidence. If you happen to have the Mut 23 Coins you want right now, you can visit